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Invest in eternity through Brains and Bibles!

I need your help to support many churches and people who are unable to afford good help to know the Person and Word of God!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Brains and Bibles needs you to reach America!

Brains and Bibles is a 501c3 nonprofit that primarily supports churches as a resource to train and equip followers of Jesus Christ for sharing the gospel, making disciples, and studying the Bible. This is accomplished through conferences, camps, counsel, curriculum, and Christ. Joel Willoughby is the Founder and Executive Director, supported by a board of directors and other volunteers. Learn more by following this link:

This ministry is called Brains and Bibles for three reasons. Those two things should never be disconnected. We help people think critically and academically through the Scriptures. We help people know and communicate the Person and Word of God better.

When Brains and Bibles handles topics such as Worldviews, Apologetics, and Polemics, the goal is not to win arguments but to win souls. The information is presented skillfully with that goal in mind.